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The Elder's Heir
by Shawnna Lea
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Teller-of-Tails and the Soot Fox
by Shawnna Lea
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Berikatanyan Dawn
by John Beresford
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The Chosen Drone
by Eoin McDonald
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A great selection of books just for you. These talented authors have made available titles that will whet your appetite.
End of a New Beginning
by Eoin McDonald
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The Final Position
by Eoin McDonald
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The Aftermath: Lunar
by Bradley James
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by Drew Avera
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Pax Machina (Mechhaven Book 1)
by Greg Sorber
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Off-Limits Detective
by Daisy Grace
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Da' Resistance
by Simon Carr
The Final Position
by Eoin McDonald
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Fiction books
Fiction books
In *Carlos Beltowers,* Eoin McDonald delivers a gripping tale of power, greed, and survival, as the ruthless Beltowers pursues control of the Case, leaving David Chen and a host of dangerous allies and enemies entangled in a high-stakes battle.
Whether it was the tension and anger amongst the mages that night or not, the atmosphere in the windowless room was electrified. As the men prayed and asked for the appearance and instruction from the Angels there was a sharp crack like that from a Bull Whip. Carlos Beltowers was startled he had never heard anything like this before. His face was taut and looked like all the blood had strained from it. He knew he was in the line of fire from his colleagues. Almost immediately there was another loud crack and a crooked strobe-like light emanating from the right corner of the room above the golden altar. The mages looked up and there scuttling about the wall was a distorted figure with limbs like a weathered olive tree, thin and a pasty green in color. The Demon had a long tail and cracked it again across Beltowers back. It stung like the sting of a scorpion and Beltowers reeled and screamed like a woman in childbirth from the impact. As Beltowers lay faint on the floor the officers around him bowed in terror, and when they looked up in fear, eyes wide open and mouths agape they couldn’t believe the manifestation before them. The officers and mages were in a cold sweat as to what to do next, their textbooks hadn’t prepared them for this. With a snarl and hiss, the creature descended to the floor near the curtained
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Pamela Reinert
14th October 2022
Carlos Bellowers is a wealthy man. He owns Hotels and bars throughout Manila. He is also an aggressive man and could care less about others. He takes whatever he wants. The Drone, David Chen, is hunted by Carlos and the Triads. Bridgett; she is the only good thing in his life. But she belongs to Michael; Bellowers' son. Will Bridget be able to free herself from Michael and be wife number 3 in Bellowers' life? This is a complex and unwieldy story. The reader must sort through the details. You will finally have things all sorted through when a new tangle of this complex novel appears. Join this unearthly challenge and see if you can determine who is spinning this web.
Hi Eoin, I haven't put the book down since I started reading it, what a fantastic book you did, full of humor, action, and the works. I don't normally read but your ideas and thoughts in the book have really captivated me. It's awesome. You must have surely spent time in the Phil's. I'm on chapter 10 and so good. You must have loads of customers, what a great book I really appreciate the way you composed it. Reading the book tells me quite a bit about the author that's for certain, it's a book I can't actually stop reading, well done on your success as an Author. Thanks it's excellent material ,for sure
So intriguing and interesting book. Action-packed and full of tension story. Great characters and unexpected twists that will keep you reading chapter after chapter. I really enjoyed the book!
Books Shelf
Carlos Beltowers is the second book in "The Chosen Drone" series it is an amazing book! It feels so real, the author's description is fantastic, with well-described characters and a lot of suspense! Absolutely recommend it!
Fiction books
The Final Position & Carlos Beltowers are available on Smashwords. This is a chance to get my book and books from many other great authors at a discount so you can get right to reading. Fantasy book series
David was the Chosen Drone. He Didn't choose to be it. He was chosen.
David had a bright future. He was intelligent, likable, and fit. He lived in New York, where all the advantages were. How could he cope with trying to live a normal life?
Carlos Beltowers is a hard man, taking what he didn't earn and reaping what he did not sow. He wanted the Case that David protected. It meant immense power to him.
Bridgett was always on David's mind. If there was one thing he wanted more than anything else, it would be Bridgett.
Death could result from keeping the Case out of Beltowers' hands. David was in constant danger.
Fantasy book series
Nolcha Fox -
I had some extra time, so I read The Chosen Drone. Here's my review:
The Chosen Drone is a fast-paced, international thriller/fantasy. David, a young man, must not only deal with finding a career and love, but he must also solve the mystery of the case he inherited. I read it in one sitting, and definitely give it five stars!
The Chosen Drone is a story about a young man who unwittingly gets chosen to be the bearer of a case that has mystical powers and connections to a bygone world.
I found this to be fascinating. I would like to get more of this author’s books. Interesting storyline and well-thought-through characters.
From <https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/61277629-the-chosen-drone>
David was in Manila to support his friend, Jack. Jack's trial was set. Bridgett was also in the Philippines. Carlos Beltowers had enticed her to work for him as a ploy to entrap David
David was on the run. It became clear to those who wanted the Case that they needed the real Bracelet in order to control the Case.
Fantasy book series
War blossomed around every corner of Europe at the beginning of the 1900s.
It was a time of Mystics and Mysticism.
Alexander Drummond arrived in Russel, New Zealand, with his parents; from Dumfries in Scotland. Russel at that time was the Capital City; a raggle-taggle of a place filled with hopefuls, the lost, and the leftovers. In 1896 Alex was 8 years old and orphaned, his mother had died and his father was the victim of Blackbirding.
In 1914 the Great War broke out. The war to end all wars. Alex enlisted in the Navy as a Seaman and soon moved up the ranks to become an officer. It was during this time he took possession of the Case.
Johann Holzel was connected to the administrative side of the Holy See. He was also tied in with the Great Lodge. Holzel knew of the existence of the Case and the origins of its contents. The Roman Catholic Church wanted it back
After the war, Alex met Agnes (his foster parent's caregiver), and they married and had one child. Katy was adventurous and found her husband on a trip to New York.
Alex meet his grandson David Chen when he was in his nineties. At that time he passed the Case on to him. David accepted it as an heirloom of his family and treasured it
Fantasy book series
More info coming soon on this fantasy book series
More info coming soon on this fantasy book series
I am an adventurer. I have always been an adventurer as long as I can remember. I was always going around the corner to see what was there. Life has taught me to avoid leaping over the fence to see if the grass is better. So I have learned many precautionary tricks, like checking out the surroundings before going head first into any situation.
Anything can be an adventure. Looking into a nearby forest or taking a trip into a Country you have never experienced before, reading fiction books. I have been fortunate to have gone to many places and lived there for a short time and been able to search out the makings of their society while taking in the sights, sounds, food and culture. It has been fun and given rise to my love of writing.
Since I was a child I have loved to write . My imagination is like that. The teacher may not of appreciated this, he only commented on my grammar but I took great pleasure in telling my tales. Sort of an innermost satisfaction.
I hope I can convey to you my love for telling stories, just like I did for my children when they were growing up
Eoin McDonald
About Eoin McDonald
I am 75 years old
I am married and have 6 children
I live in Auckland New Zealand
I have worked and lived in Australia and the Philippines. Most of the time on my travels I have been able to live in the homes of local people. Countries I have visited, and or worked in have been; Australia, the Philippines, USA, Tahiti, China, Mexico, Hong Kong, Hawaii. I have been fortunate to have been to China 4 times and lived there with friends, up to two months at a time. In the USA I have visited both coasts, that is east and west, as well as most inland states, staying with people I know. In Australia I lived mainly in the outback; for one year I lived in Sydney. The total time spent in Australia was 6 years.
I am trained as a chef; in agriculture, and at the age of 40 trained as a nurse.
I have been writing stuff since I was 10 years old. At various points in my life, stories I have written have been published or spoken over the radio. I am also an actor and have been in 3 feature films. I was also in the TV series Spartacus, and was part of the splinter group that performed most of the close up and featured roles in support of the main actors.
My main occupation now is writing, and publishing books I have written, also supporting other authors on my website www.thereadersrest.com I give support on social media, including a page on Facebook called Readers REST which you can google @recreationalreading
I also am available for acting work and you can visit my profile on Starnow https://www.starnow.com/eoinmcdonald
Check out my fantasy book series
Surfieron is an inhabitable planet in the W26 area of space. It was discovered back in 2017, and it was shown to have signs of liquid water. When the first explorers arrived they found other groups of humanoid species living there. Some were primitive others had technological advancements. Soon settlers arrived with high ideals. They were Onewayers. Since then a thriving community has evolved with people coming from all over the Earth; as Earth disintegrated under meteor showers, the division and dissension of society, and plagues.
Five generations later have we learned anything?
Henriek descended from the great Teratama, the founder and Chief Herdsman of the Suotsuy nation. He knew little about his heritage, because his mother had assimilated into the Celtonic society, and as far he was aware he never knew his father. Growing up wasn't easy in an evolving society.
Thomas Tutanakye took control of the developing country of Gambolina by stealth. He was ambitious and desired to rule supremely. Piece by piece, and bit by bit he shaped the proletariat into a submissive force. That wasn't enough for him, he wanted to be a Divine ruler.
His wife, Jocelin had her own agenda. Bored of a husband who was only interested in his own ego-driven ambition, she slipped into a disposition of satisfying her own desires.
Fiction books
Could a relationship forged in the heat of the moment last?
Peter was determined to do things right, more than once he stood up for Aroha.
Nigel was determined to break them up. He claimed a prior right to Aroha.
Could Aroha please them both?
Would Nigel completely destroy Aroha, so nobody could have her?
Dan Davidson:-
Aroha's Cowboy is a wonderful read.
The author manages to pull the reader into the story
right from the start.
It’s a love story but more than that,
it is a story about human frailties and heartbreak.
Sandra Cox:-
The writing brings different cultures to life
and the needs of a young man to experience them.
Carmen Kliss:-
I just finished and I did really enjoy it! Beautiful and tragic story! I loved all the New Zealand references too.
Tap on the link now are get this book
Fiction books
Sandra Cox - Author
A Young man's journey
This is the story of a young man's journey as he travels around the world becoming involved in both love and murder. The writing brings different cultures to life and the needs of a young man to experience them
Dan Davidson - Author
Terrific Read
Aroha's Cowboy is a wonderful read. The author manages to pull the reader into the story right from the start. It’s a love story but more than that, it is a story about human frailties and heartbreak. The Protagonist, Peter, is a complex but vulnerable character. The reader is taken on a journey from the United States to New Zealand, to “Down Under” and eventually returning to the United States. The author’s description is fantastic, you feel like you are there experiencing it all, just like Peter. The pace of the narrative is quick and holds the reader’s interest from beginning to end.
Fiction books
Surfieron is an inhabitable planet in the W26 area of space. It was discovered back in 2017, and it was shown to have signs of liquid water. When the first explorers arrived they found other groups of humanoid species living there. Some were primitive, and others had technological advancements. Soon settlers arrived, with high ideals. They were the Onewayers. Since then a thriving community has evolved with people coming from all over the Earth.
Earth had come under attack from meteor showers as well as this there were division and dissension in society causing war and distruction. Diseases had also plagued Earths population leading to famine and death.
Five generations later have the Onewayers made a better world to live in?
Henriek descended from the great Teratama, the founder and Chief Herdsman of the Suotsuy nation. He knew little about his heritage because his mother had assimilated into the Celtonic society, and as far as he was aware he never knew his father. Growing up wasn't easy in an evolving society.
Thomas Tutanakye took control of the developing country of Gambolina by stealth. He was ambitious and desired to rule supremely. Piece by piece, and bit by bit he shaped the proletariat into a submissive force. That wasn't enough for him, he wanted to be a Divine ruler.
His wife, Jocelin had her own agenda. Bored of a husband who was only interested in his own ego-driven ambition, she slipped into a disposition of satisfying her own desires.
This bookstore has many exciting novels which can be obtained at Amazon as well
This book is what science fiction is all about. McDonald causes the reader to be transported to a whole new world. He brings the characters to life, as he penned this amazing story and created his characters. I was entranced by this story. The writing was fast-paced. This book is a real page-turner. You won’t want to put it down, so clear your schedule, get comfortable, and settle in for a treat.
Society is unchangeable. As decade after decade passes, one thing remains sadly the same, human nature. Modern inventions improve our lives, but many people's behavior stays the same. Bullying, racism, and antisemitism remain firmly in place. This story examines those same behaviors during the decade of the 1950s.
Teenagers were exposed to this daily, and each teen handled it their way. There were victims and villains: the helpless and the heroes. "So Gently Goes the Hummingbird" will do everything possible to break your heart and joyfully heal it. It's a story that will bring tears to your eyes and remind you, no matter what your age, of your first love and the wonderful feeling it gave you.
Fiction books
D. Davidson was born in New Jersey. In his early years, he grew up in Sunnyside, Queens, N.Y., and attended P.S. 150. Dan moved to Long Island in 1955 (the year the Brooklyn Dodgers finally won a World Series). He enjoyed his teenage years growing up in the small town of Farmingville. After high school, at age 17, Dan enlisted in the United States Air Force. He met his co-author, R. Marcano, while stationed in South Korea in 1963. After returning home, their lives moved in different directions. By chance, they found each other again via the Internet and met in Las Vegas in the summer of 2012. After going down memory lane, they wrote the book "Butterfly Wish." Although it's a work of fiction, it's based loosely on some incidents they encountered or heard about while serving in South Korea. They pull no punches in telling the story. It is brutally honest but not intended to be offensive to anyone. D. Davidson has been writing stories for years as screenplays "a tough industry to crack." He decided to turn some of his scripts into novels. He and his co-author write primarily historical fiction because they believe understanding history makes us all wiser and better human beings. The second novel, 'Twice Upon a Time," is a paranormal narrative about time travel and going back to the past. Their third book, "Soul of Jubie Walker," is a Paranormal/Reincarnation story, and their newest novel, "So Gently Goes the Hummingbird," is a coming-of-age story about teenagers in the 1950s. There are several more historical novels on the horizon. Dan and Rich look forward to sharing many other great stories with you. Presently D. Davidson resides in San Tan Valley, Arizona, with his wife of fifty-seven years, Kathy. The couple has three sons, eight grandchildren, and four great-grandchildren. You can visit https://biostobooks.com/ for more upcoming book information.
Visit Dan Davidson's Youtube link
Bios to Books - Learn more about this author
Sandra Cox
There’s a new sheriff in town.
Instead of chasing bounties all over the state, Keeper Tyree has taken the job of sheriff of El Dorado.
Everything is going well. He’s tamed the town and now he doesn’t have to knock more than a few heads together a day, and has no more than one or two occupants in the calaboose at a time. Then a stranger comes to town. A stranger bent on vengeance and the man he wants to bring down is Keeper.
Mitchell Jordan holds Keeper personally responsible for his dad being hung. He believes in an eye for an eye and he’s out to even the score. A family member for a family member.
Keeper is tough and fearless, except where his loved ones are concerned. They’re his one weakness and there’s nothing he won’t do to keep them safe. No matter which side of the law he has to come down on. There’s no right or wrong, there’s just taking care of his own. And now they’ve been threatened.
Jordan leads Keeper out of El Dorado down a winding trail of danger and deceit, and that trail won’t end till one of them is lying boots up six feet under.
5.0 out of 5 stars Saddle up, Partner!
Reviewed in the United States on January 20, 2024
If you want a feel-good western with a strong lead character look no further. Former bounty hunter, Keeper Tyree, is now sheriff of El Dorado. He’s settled down, married Cathleen, and adopted her young daughter, Allie. But he’s still the same hard-driving, no-nonsense gunslinger that earned him a feared reputation among outlaws of the Old West. Keeper might be a pushover with his loved ones, but should someone threaten them… let’s just say there’s no place too far or hole to deep to hide anyone rash enough to cross the line. That’s a lesson Mitchell Jordan learns when he decides to collect an “eye-for-an-eye” by targeting Keeper’s family in retaliation for his father’s death.
This is a good ‘ole fashioned western where the good buys and bad guys are clearly marked, and family, friendships, and loyalty stand strong. Colorful characters, places (like the Pink Monstrosity café/saloon/brothel), and authentic dialogue abound. There are even pets (Shivers and Ole Blue) to warm your heart. Seriously, if you want to cheer on the guy guys, and boo the bad guys, settle down with this rip-roaring tale for a ride down the dusty trail.
I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention Keeper’s relationship with his young daughter (I LOVED how Cox portrays them together) and some of the secondary characters who shine as brightly as the leads. I also really liked how drawings were used in the plot, for an unusual spin. Hopefully, there is more Keeper in store for fans in the future. Read this as a standalone, or read it as the sequel to “Keeper Tyree.” Either way, you’re in for a treat!
Sandra Cox
Her books consist of all things western…and more. She is a category bestselling Amazon author, Eppie finalist and Golden Ankh Award winner. You can find her at: https://www.sandracox.blogspot.com.
Her twitter handle: Sandra_Cox Her Amazon Page: http://tinyurl.com/SandraAtAmz Order Link: https://tinyurl.com/MateosLaw
About the Author
Sandra, who also writes as S. Cox, is a vegetarian, animal lover and avid gardener. She lives with her husband, their dog and several cats in sunny North Carolina.
An award-winning author, her fiction books consist of all things Western and more.
Foodie Facts:
She spent a number of years in the Midwest chasing down good Southern BBQ. By the time she moved to North Carolina where Southern BBQ is practically a staple, she’d become a vegetarian.
Pineapple is a must-have on pizza, along with black olives and onions.
She loves pumpkin waffles. Pumpkin cream cheese, not so much.
Birth of a spy
Out of work Cambridge graduate Scott Hunter breaks Second World War Enigma codes… for fun. His girlfriend's desperate for him to find a job and settle down, so when a fresh code lands unexpectedly on Scott’s doorstep, he promises it will be his last, little realising that revealing the dark secrets it has protected for over fifty years will shatter their lives forever.
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Of all popular novels and on Amazon books this book has been well sought after at this bookstore
For the last 62 years we humans have been suffering the tortures of machines on this planet. I know it is our own fault that we chose the robots as our country leaders but they don't work as we thought. They disobey us, not in our control any longer, go against constitute killing millions of people around the world. A worst time in human history when we lost the victory and automobiles begin to capture our lands to rule us.
A "breathe taking near-future thriller" will bring you to a high level of human consciousness that your mind will force to think about the situation of next generation and existence of mankind due to rise of terrors.
After a year of first leadership of the robotic politicians they stop the galaxy bond that the humans had made it for security reasons in space in year 2030. Destruction begins to happen as they continue to deal with citizens of the moon, to seek the natural oil mool forcefully which gains speed of spaceships faster than the light. Still we are unable to deactivate their energy systems. Loosing hopes we go back to a dark age. We feel god is opposing the creation.
They openly murder and rape, care nothing to our revolt.
Now they seem immortal. They are selfish, they are rude;have exploded thousands of planets and stars in years only to build up their own mechanical empire in the entire universe.
And suddenly machines announce 3rd world war.We see no way. We see the force is bigger, has high tech weapons and nuclear bombs.
But why they are in hurry to destroy us? Is there any secret behind the announcement to war? Can we humans still fight to giant mechanical monsters and get back to our freedom?
If you love the movies Avatar, Terminators, Star Wars and Star Trek then surely you are going to love the book Earthers, a mix of future scifi and dark fantasy and history of thousand years.
The very young author NL Rinku has made a relationship with the nature of old and modern days' earth where technology invented and strange epics discovered
Great Sci-fi novels here at this bookstore and on Amazon books
Victim? Runaway? Or Criminal?Detective Lyn Kramer is busy training Jud Hughes, a new detective on the force, when Gary Farnsworth shows up to report his wife missing. As the interview progresses, Lyn realizes the missing woman is none other than her own twin sister, Melissa. Lyn and Melissa have not seen each other since their parents died twenty-five years ago, when the girls were split up to live with two sets of warring grandparents. Lyn and Jud find mutual respect and a growing camaraderie as the investigation into Melissa’s disappearance deepens. Tensions reach a peak when the two detectives discover a trail of crimes linked to the missing woman’s family. Will Melissa be found? And if so, will Lyn have it in her to put her twin sister behind bars?
Many great novels at this bookstore which can be purchased at Amazon books
"The Immigrant's Wife is a vivid and haunting novel told with great precision and heart. You can't help but root for Charles and Anna, two star-crossed strivers making their way in an unforgiving world. JB Harris has written a transporting debut." —Christopher Castellani, author of Leading Men
Not all men who abandon their families are scoundrels. A story of love and perseverance set when consumption ravaged America. Anna Patrinos is deserted by her husband. What she doesn’t know is he anonymously exiled to a TB sanatorium to protect her and their unborn baby from the deadly disease and the ruinous cost of his care. Anna’s battle with ostracism, starvation and assault to keep herself and her child alive interweaves with Charles’ fight to survive and return home to his family, which is complicated by his one night of indiscretion. Reunited, Anna and Charles confront what it means to belong and whether love is enough to heal their devastated lives and start anew. Harrowing but ultimately hopeful, The Immigrant’s Wife is a compelling story of self-sacrifice, resilience and devotion.
5.0 out of 5 stars Great story of love, strength and courage
Reviewed in the United States on 12 June 2024
Verified Purchase
Just finished the story of Charles and Anna. set in Boston in 1913, this is a great story of love in a time when theirs was forbidden, of strength they both had to had to endure the trails and tribulations they faced and the courage to face together and alone. I am so happy I was introduced to this book and Charles and Anna. As a historical fiction book it will have a lasting effect on me, this was a 5 star read for me and highly recommended it.
J B Harris is happily married to her husband of 27 years, mom to three teenagers and two rescue dogs. She loves books, chocolate, wine, and traveling. A graduate of Emerson College's MFA program, she went on to teach fiction at both the undergraduate and graduate levels before publishing her short fiction in such publications as Boston Literary Journal, The Beacon Street Review, Puckerbrush Review, and Grasslimb. She was recently named a finalist in both the 2022 Hal Prize in Fiction and the WOW Spring 22 Flash Fiction Contest. The Immigrant's Wife is her debut novel and is based on a family history mystery that she promised her grandmother she would look into. Although The Immigrant's Wife is very loosely based on what information she could find, it is completely fictional. Still, she regrets that neither her grandmother nor her father survived to read it. Jennifer is currently working on her second novel touted as Still Alice meets Olive Kitteridge.
Her short fiction has appeared in such publications as Boston Literary Journal, The Beacon Street Review, and Puckerbrush Review. She was recently named a finalist in both the 2022 Hal Prize in Fiction and the WOW Spring 22 Flash Fiction Contest. The Immigrant’s Wife is her debut novel but will not be her last.
There's much to see here. So, take your time, look around, and learn all there is to know about us. We hope you enjoy our bookstore and take a moment to drop us a line. Check out the fantasy book series by Eoin McDonald
'Carlos Beltowers,' - is the second book in 'The Chosen Drone' series by Eoin McDonald.
A Novel of 53000 words.
Fantasy book series